National Star Wards Day May 4
Welcome to May 4th on the National Day Calendar. During the Summer of people across America were sitting in darkened movie theaters, crunching away on popcorn as the screen went to black. A short phrase appeared that would change movie history. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away And with that we were hooked on the story of Luke Skywalker and his battle against the Empire. Star Wars and all its sequels have not only reshaped pop culture, but also moviemaking in general. There are spin offs galore and merchandise deals of galactic proportions! Any year a new movie is released you can expect an estimated 7 billion dollars worth of merchandise to be sold. On National Star Wars Day, celebrate by dressing up as a Jedi or Wookie and whatever you do, May the Fourth Be With You! Im Marlo Anderson with the National Day Calendar. See you again tomorrow as we Celebrate Every Day!
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2 years ago |
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