National Truffle Day May 2
Welcome to May 2nd on the National Day Calendar. If youre a fan of all things chocolate, then the word brings to mind rich, decadent candy. But if youre a connoisseur of the fungus kind then you know truffles are a culinary treat. Truffles are mushrooms that grow underground, and when they are ready for harvesting, they give off an odor that is best detected by a pig or a dog. This pungent aroma is what gives them their characteristic flavor and ridiculously high price. But buyer beware; most truffles lose this flavor after only four days! For a product that fetches up to $350 an ounce, the market can be full of counterfeits. Its best to buy them from a reputable supplier. Or better yet, celebrate National Truffle Day by dining out at your favorite fancy restaurant. Im Marlo Anderson with the National Day Calendar. See you again tomorrow as we Celebrate Every Day!
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2 years ago |
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