National Clean Up Your Room Day May 10
Welcome to May 10th on the National Day Calendar. If youre a fan of the reality tv show, Storage Wars then you know the premise. Buyers bid on the contents of abandoned storage units, which they purchase, sight unseen with some very interesting results. Its not unusual to discover hidden treasures in the trash and the net gain can be astounding. One of the strangest items ever unearthed were chicken eyeglasses. It turns out that this accessory was used in the 1940s and 50s to keep chickens from pecking their eyes out. They also made the birds appear quite stylish. If its been awhile since youve cleaned up your own room, consider the hidden treasure that could be lurking in your house. On National Clean Up Your Room Day, celebrate with a good Spring cleaning. You never know what you could cash in on! Im Marlo Anderson with the National Day Calendar. See you again tomorrow as we Celebrate Every Day!
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2 years ago |
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